how to use your phone as a webcam for PC


Assalamo alaykom wa rahmato lahi taala wa barakatoh how are you guys I hope you are fine and in the best health and safety. So in this blog we will talk about how to use your phone camera as a webcam for PC using camo studio.

the first step: is download and install camo studio in your PC 

open this link change the language to eglish, then click in "dowlnloads",click on "download for windows",enter your email and click in sent invite.

go to your email and search the new messages and click in go to download then download for windows.

now we move to the installation   process go to the program downloaded open it then click in next then next until the program is installed in your PC.

the second step: download and install camo app in your phone

open your mobile phone and go to the play store tap "camo" install the app in your phone then open it.

the third step: connect the mobile phone with your PC and activate the camera 

bring a usb canle connect your mobile with your PC in your phone go to developper options(you can activate by clicking in build number 7 times) scroll down and activate usb debuging .

open the camo app in your phone and open it in your PC and the camera will be activate inshallah .

thank you for your attention
